Sales Scorecards provide in-depth insights into your sales team. With real-time reporting features that evaluate your department and individual reps, PSAI gives you the power to fully understand your numbers with data-driven analytics. What’s included in Sales Scorecards?

Deeper Insights, Delivered: 

Sales Team Leaderboard. Quickly see sales rep activity with a bird’s-eye view of their performance. You’ll see a leaderboard with all your reps and their metrics, including their total revenue generated, average sale price, closing rate percentage, and their average closing rate by Predictive Match Index. 

Numbers of Jobs Sold vs. Assigned. View the number of jobs sold by Predictive Match Index. Displayed as a bar chart, you’ll easily understand how well they sell each lead type. Do they excel in areas that surprise you? Do they need additional training to handle certain leads? With insights into their lead-type performance, you can consistently tailor their training to develop high-earners. 

Top Products & Sources Sold. You generally know how many products your business sells, but it’s much harder to compile data to see how many products sold by individual sales reps.  Sales Scorecards aggregates each sales rep’s top products and marketing sources sold, so you’ll know how your reps perform with certain products, and which marketing sources yield high results.

Personality recommendations. See what attributes your reps identify with most closely based on their overall sales performance. Understanding their personality on a deeper level will help you assign them to their most compatible leads, helping them close more deals while providing a better experience for your customers.

Get Instant Reports with Sales Scorecards: 

Tap into your sales rep’s potential with PSAI’s Sales Scorecards. If you’d like to learn more about getting instant insights into your team’s performance, request a free demo to connect with our team.