PSAI Weather delivers free hail alerts and weather data through Extreme Weather Insights. When you subscribe to Extreme Weather Insights, you’ll receive an email recapping yesterday’s hail activity within the United States including: 

  • Hail alerts by ½ inch breakdowns.
  • Number of homes within each impact zone.
  • Hail reporting that’s 4x tighter than leading swaths (within 1km).

Subscribe to Daily Hail Swaths⇒

In addition, you will also get a daily interactive map, so you know exactly where hail hit:

Also Receive For Free:

  • Weekly Storm Recap: Each week, EWI delivers an in-depth nationwide recap and forecast of extreme weather events. With key insights into these weather event zones, you’ll have the power to make better decisions and generate storm revenue.
  • Historical Storm Data: Our expert videos compare historical storm data with current weather patterns, giving you deeper insight into the season’s potential and how you can plan your operations for the weeks ahead.
  • Predictive Storm Insights: Our expert videos compare historical storm data with current weather patterns, giving you deeper insight into the season’s potential and how you can plan your operations for the weeks ahead.
  • Trustworthy & Transparent Data: Dr. Gensini is a PhD climatologist and extreme weather expert, so you can be sure the data you receive is from a true expert within the industry.

Looking for More? Upgrade to PSAI Weather

Get the most out of a storm with PSAI Weather! No exactly what opportunity that storm means to you. From home counts to automated Facebook ads to those comes, you don't need to rely on door-to-door marketing to reach homeowner anymore.

Once market is established, the second phase drives consumers to roofers in their local area. All PSAI Storm Campaigns have dedicated landing pages to convert ad traffic. Each page includes specific conversion elements such as asking customers if they’d like to check to see if their home was hit by hail, or signing up for a free roof inspection. These soft asks convert at a higher rate so you can set more appointments, and highlight your team the go-to experts for storm restoration.