A successful lead generation strategy has three major components: your messaging, your audience, and your marketing channels. With Predictive Sales AI, you can expand your lead generation to multiple channels to get your brand in front of homeowners and pull from different pools of qualified leads. The PSAI toolset has now expanded its advertising reach with Instagram.

The PSAI Ads Manager makes it easy to create and launch custom advertising campaigns on Facebook. With this exciting update, you can now show your Ads Manager and Storm Campaigns on Instagram.

Do More with Instagram 

Research shows that Instagram ads enjoy higher brand engagement due to its visual nature, so expanding your Facebook ads to Instagram just makes sense. Facebook has the most active users of any social media platform, and Instagram performs well with brands; displaying your ads on both platforms will expand your reach and get your brand in front of more homeowners to generate opportunity for your business. 

Reach More Audiences with Ads Manager

The PSAI Ads Manager allows you to generate more leads on multiple platforms directly in your suite. With Ads Manager, you enjoy access to:

  • AI Recommended Ads. PSAI creates ready-to-go ads using high-quality images, AI-optimized text, and strong CTAs to drive engagement to your designated landing pages. 
  • Instagram & Facebook Display. There’s no extra work needed to start advertising on Instagram. Our tool can push your ads on both platforms to boost engagement and generate more opportunity.
  • AI Custom Audiences. Reach your ideal audience with PSAI’s AI Custom Audiences. With the Ads Manager, you don’t need to worry about creating audiences from scratch, you’ll have a target audience ready to go. 
  • Organic Facebook Engagement. Our AI Chatbot integrates with Facebook Messenger, making it easy to connect with customers who visit your business’s Facebook Page. All conversations sync with your Communication Portal, delivering lead insights and engagement opportunities for your team. 

Make Your Campaigns Go Farther with PSAI + Instagram 

Increase your impact with the expanded functionality of the PSAI Ads Manager. With Facebook and Instagram display, you can increase your influence and generate more leads for your business. 

To learn more about how you can use Facebook & Instagram to reach new audiences, fill out the form on this page to connect with our team today.