If you had a tool that could deliver insights into your leads the moment they entered your funnel, how would you use that to your benefit? With Predictive Portraits™, you can get all those insights and more to better understand your customers. Think of it as a customer study guide for your team; it helps you maximize the potential of every lead in your funnel. 

Prioritize Your Lead Flow with Predictive Portraits™ 

Predictive Portraits™ are powered by artificial intelligence to deliver insights custom to each lead. When a visitor converts into a lead, you can automatically generate a portrait that details information about their home and their household, so you can better prepare for each appointment. Every Predictive Portrait™ includes: 

Predictive Match Index™: A Predictive Match Index™ (PMI) is an index between 1-5 that assesses the likelihood of a lead turning into net revenue for your business. Using artificial intelligence and years of home services industry expertise, it combines lead insights with your unique offerings to determine if that lead aligns with your services. You can use this index to quickly see if a lead is a good fit for your business, allowing you to prioritize appointments to better manage your lead flow. 

Household & Property Insights: Every Predictive Portrait™ provides important property information like the age of the home, its market value, construction materials used, household income, and more, so your sales reps can understand the home before they even set foot inside. With household interests included, they can better connect with customers during appointments and provide a better customer experience. Household & Property insights enable your team to accurately align the right products and services to both the home’s value and the homeowner’s style and budget. 

Historical Storm Data: Our Predictive Portraits™ are powered by our PSAI Weather technology to deliver up to 10 of the most significant weather events that occurred at the property over the past decade. Your sales representative can use this data to inspect any areas of the home for possible damage and understand if there is potential retail opportunity for insurance due to weather damage. 

Maximize Your Opportunities with Predictive Portraits™

Predictive Portraits™ are another conversion opportunity for your business. Once a potential customer has converted into a lead, your team has another job to do: convert that lead into a customer. Predictive Portraits™ provide that boost to your sales reps by delivering custom insights they can access before their appointments. 

Predictive Portraits™ work to support your lead funnel, no matter how a lead found your business. Whether they convert through an online or an offline marketing source, once that lead enters your PSAI suite, you can generate a Predictive Portrait™  through the information they provide your business. Using the Predictive Match Index™ to prioritize your lead flow, and the household, property, & storm data to enhance your pitch through custom insights, Predictive Portraits™  give your sales team an edge to close more deals and provide a better customer experience. 

If you're interested in learning more about how Predictive Portraits™ can scale your sales operations, connect with our team for a personal demo.